
NESKAO supplies substandard natural Cocoa Products processed from unconventional cocoa products (100% COTE D’IVOIRE Origin).
Thanks to its capacity of innovation, NESKAO has now succeeded in producing a new “substandard cocoa paste/ Mass” and becoming the leading producer of this exclusive product in Africa.
NESKAO products are perfectly suitable for cosmetic, personal care, pharmaceutical and veterinary industries, as well as for chocolate products - under certain conditions.
As an innovative company, NESKAO is always improving its self-designed methods of treating and recycling its raw material (off-grade cocoa beans, industrial wastes and residues of cocoa) and multiplies in-house controls at every step of the process, in order to guarantee the quality and safety of its end products.

Even if the quality of our cocoa paste
will never meet all Federation of Cocoa Commerce requirements - as for conventional cocoa paste/ liquor, particularly in terms of taste, colour
and Free Fat Acidity (FFA) -, our products remain perfectly safe and guaranteed in terms of microbiology and other several physical critical standard points.