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NESKAO is the leading legal producer in Africa of substandard Cocoa Paste/ Mass (100% cocoa product).


NESKAO factory and Head Office are located in the Industrial Zone of the Port - VRIDY, Abidjan, IVORY COAST.


The factory is built on a land of 25 000 sq meters where 150 people are working.


Our grinding facility is fully equipped with European machineries ; Bühler Barth Tornado roasting system offers the flexibility necessary for processing unconventional beans.

Our in-house laboratory allows us to test every step of the process of production in order to guarantee the quality and safety required for our products to be exported worldwide.

Our existing capacity of production of natural substandard Cocoa Paste is 12 000 MT/year 
Though, NESKAO will increase significantly its capacity in 2017:
NESKAO will produce 5 000 MT/ year of Natural Cocoa Butter (expeller method, butter subject to be refined, USP/NF Cocoa Butter mainly for the pharmaceutical and cosmetic industries)
and15 000 MT/year of natural Cocoa Cake (expeller method).



 all rights reserved to NESKAO I WIX I Iphotostock I AM I SRM I JPR  

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